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EnVision Full Moon Cacao Ceremony & Creative Workshop

Fri, 29 Jan


The Yoga Space Hastings

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EnVision Full Moon Cacao Ceremony & Creative Workshop
EnVision Full Moon Cacao Ceremony & Creative Workshop

Time & Location

29 Jan 2021, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The Yoga Space Hastings, 208 Heretaunga Street East, Hastings 4122, New Zealand

About The Event

Bring on the New Year with a renewed intention!

This first Cacao Ceremony for 2021 will be a container for Intention and Manifestation, to connect inwards and with others through Heart circle and Vision board making.

Give yourself the permission to dream big and to shake off all that's holding you back from living the dream 

~WHEN & WHERE? 29th January, Friday, 6.00-8.30pm at The Yoga Space, Hastings

~ HOW TO BOOK? Contribution of $35 per person 

(a couple of reduced price tickets available to people with financial dificulties, please be in touch to enquire)

 Spaces are limited and a prepaid booking is ESSENTIAL To book, please contact Radha 020 4077 5534 or & send your payment to 38-9018-0117320-01


The exact date of the event is the first full moon of 2021 and also the beginning of a new cycle in the 260 days Mayan calendar.

It is an auspicious time to be productive and creative, as well as to direct attention and intention towards the Greater good.


Invitations to connect with your own Heart and from there - with a community; 

A deeply touching and healing practice of sharing and listening, of showing up as your authentic self and being truly comfortable with what is


A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams.

By placing visual representations of your goals into one space, you can easily visualize them frequently. Remembering to look at them daily and imagine them as if they have already come true is one of the best ways to activate the Law of Attraction. 

You'll be guided through the process of creating the Vision Board in several stages:

- The meaning and purpose of Intention + Why Cacao and Intetion work well together

- Creativity and unleashing the creative potential 

- Seeing/ recognising the Longing

- How to make and use a vision board from a broad perspective

... and more

~ CACAO CEREMONY ~ The tradition of drinking ceremonial cacao originates in the ancient culture of the Mayas in Central America, who called it "ku-ku", "above sacred". It was believed to carry the spirit of Fertility and Abundance. The Goddess of chocolate, Ixcacao, was also known as the "Queen of Love and Pleasure". Cacao is among the top most nutritious and cleansing foods, used for centuries to heal, to open the heart and the senses and to establish a deeper connection to the soul. The benefits of drinking pure ceremonial grade cacao include mood enhancing, increased energy and ease, improved focus and concentration, an overall feeling of calm and wellbeing and many many more!

~ WHAT TO BRING/ HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE CEREMONY - Water bottle - please come well hydrated, and continue to drink after the ceremony as cacao is diuretic - Comfortable clothing - Journal and pen if you’d like to capture your experience in that way

Before a cacao ceremony avoid: - Coffee for at least 6 hours prior - Mind-altering substances on the day of the ceremony - alcohol, THC, etc. - Reduce the intake of dairy products on the day of the ceremony - Avoid eating large amounts of food 2-3 hours prior to the ceremony (unless you have blood sugar issues and have a snack)

Health precautions: - Antidepressants - some medications interact with the MAO inhibitors in Cacao and that reaction can create side effects, such as headaches - Food sensitivities - if you’re sensitive to fermented foods, Cacao will not be a good option for you - Pregnancy and breastfeeding - there are no known contraindications, in fact, Cacao would likely support breastfeeding and nourishment of expecting mothers. So just tune into your own body and have a smaller dose, if needed - Animals - keep Cacao away from any animals, including your pet friends as it contains natural compounds that are great for humans but deadly for animals

Experience: Every person’s experience in a ceremony is different and each ceremony will be different. Set the right intention and then let go - trust that Cacao will bring you the exact medicine needed for the moment.

About the facilitator:

Radha was among the first people to bring cacao ceremonies to New Zealand. She encountered the cacao plant in ceremonial context in 2012 while living in its native lands of Central America for several years. It was love at first sight and her relationship with the spirit of this super food grew as she learned how to prepare the rich cacao drink from the tree to the cup. Having participated in various ceremonies facilitated by shamans, healers or friends in Mexico, Guatemala and Peru, Radha started facilitating ceremonies herself in 2014 in Europe. An experienced space holder being a yoga teacher and a retreat facilitator, she loves sharing her passion for community, authenticity and self-knowledge in combination with the cacao spirit. Radha serves only best quality ceremonial cacao by chocolate shaman Keith Wilson. 

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