The Heart of Awareness - 8 Weeks Online Meditation Course
Mon, 29 Jun
|Online via Zoom
Join us from anywhere in the world!

Time & Location
29 Jun 2020, 6:00 pm – 13 Jul 2020, 10:00 pm
Online via Zoom
About The Event
The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its benefits, such as stress and anxiety reduction, emotional health, enhanced self-awareness, longer attention span, improvement in the quality of sleep and memory, generated kindness and compassion and less reactivity to pain or difficulty.
Yet meditation is so much more than that! It is the best known way to return back home, to what is true and to who we are.
Meditation is a practice of remembering the deep, unshakable peace at our core.
This online meditation course consists of eight meditation classes over an eight weeks period. Each class includes some theory/ technique presentation, practice and time for discussion and questions.
It is perfectly suitable for beginners, aspiring to start a meditation practice, yet it would also serve the experienced practitioners craving to go deeper in their practice.
The path of the Heart in meditation is a path of revealing our fundamental essence of stillness, or the Self, atman.
We will learn techniques to quieten the mind, sink and rest in the Heart and also the powerfully transformative method of self-enquiry (atma vichara).
This approach makes it easy to fall in love with meditation and to connect with our essence. It can gradually remove the layers of conditioning, allowing our true nature to shine forth and bringing us closer to who we really are.
Join us to discover the true meaning of living with an open heart!
“Only from the Heart can you touch the sky” – Rumi
8 Monday evenings, starting on the 29th June and ending on the 24th August (no class on the 27h July, half way through the course)
Each class is between 75 and 90 minutes
6pm New Zealand
4pm East Australia
2pm West Australia
7am UK
8am Western Europe
9am Eastern Europe
Full course - $128NZD for all 8 classes & mentoring
Early bird price $108 when paid before the 20th June
Payment can be sent to account number 38-9018-0117320-01 with your name and "meditation course" as reference
Casual - $18/ class
If you have done one of the previous 8 week courses with me and you'd like to keep up your practice in a group or to refresh your knowledge, you can join in for as many sessions as you'd like for KOHA donation
To book in and for any additional information,
please get in touch:
Text: (+64) 020 4077 5534